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Register to be able to send SMS to the emergency numbers 0047 59 555 110 (fire), 0047 59 555 112 (police) or 0047 59 555 113 (medical emergency number), or use 0047 1412 for emergency call via text phone.
Use 00 instead of + before your country code.

Enter your mobile number to register, update or delete your registration:

If you need immediate help NOW, get help by calling 110 (fire), 112 (police) or 113 (medical emergency).



Registration is only available to those who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired.

Have your mobile phone handy when you register.

  1. Read the user terms and conditions for using Nød-SMS..
  2. Complete and submit the digital registration form.
  3. Confirm your registration by replying YES to the SMS you receive within 30 minutes.

When you have completed the registration, you will receive a new SMS with confirmation that the service is ready for use.

You can register several mobile numbers under the same name, but only one at a time. This means that if you have several mobile numbers, these must be registered separately.

The information you provide in the registration will not be available to the operator at the emergency notification centre. It is therefore important that you provide information about where, what and who in the first message you send.

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