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Register to be able to send SMS to the emergency numbers 0047 59 555 110 (fire), 0047 59 555 112 (police) or 0047 59 555 113 (medical emergency number), or use 0047 1412 for emergency call via text phone.
Use 00 instead of + before your country code.

Enter your mobile number to register, update or delete your registration:

If you need immediate help NOW, get help by calling 110 (fire), 112 (police) or 113 (medical emergency).


Questions and answers about Nød-SMS

 Questions and answers about Nød-SMS

Q: Why do I need to register?

A: Emergency SMS is only available to those who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired. To avoid abuse, everyone who will use the service must be registered. When you register, you confirm that you meet the terms of use.

Q: How many mobile numbers can I register?

A: You can have several mobile numbers registered in your name, but can only register one mobile number at a time. This means that if you have several mobile numbers, these must be registered separately.

Q: Can I use a foreign phone/SIM card?

A: No, only users with Norwegian mobile numbers/SIM cards can register and use Emergency SMS.

Q: I have a new mobile number, what do I do?

A: To change your details, you must enter the mobile number you pre-registered with and delete/change the registration. You must then register again with your new mobile number. Your old number will be deleted from the database for use by Nød-SMS and the new number will be added.

Q: How do I know that the message has been received?

A: When you have sent a message to one of the emergency numbers, you will receive a confirmation that your message has been received so that there is no doubt that it will be handled.

Mobile operators cannot always guarantee full functionality for SMS. Make sure you have a valid SIM card when using Nød-SMS and that the phone settings do not block outgoing SMS. In addition, if you are in an area where your mobile operator does not have coverage, your message may be delayed, or may not reach the emergency notification centre.

Q: What happens if I send an SMS to the emergency numbers without being registered?

If your number is not registered, your message will not reach the emergency notification centres. You will receive an SMS saying that the mobile number is not registered and that you must contact the emergency response centers in another way.

Q: Can the operator at the emergency notification center see where I am?

A: The emergency response centers receive information about your location when you receive an Nød-SMS. How accurate the positioning will be can vary.

Q: Why is the service only available to the deaf, hard of hearing and speech impaired?

A: The service is limited to those who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired because they normally have the greatest need for such a service, and because the user base must be limited so as not to overload the system during the pilot.

Q: How do I delete myself as a user?

A: To unregister, you enter your mobile number where you start a new registration on the front page of If the mobile number is registered, you will get a choice between updating or deleting the registration. If you delete your registration and later want to use Nød-SMS again, you must register your mobile number again.